Política de Cookies

  1. What are Cookies?

To ensure your privacy, we inform you that on www.tapigym.es we use cookies to facilitate the use and navigation of the website, guarantee access to certain functionalities, and additionally help us improve the quality of the site based on users’ browsing habits and styles.

A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your device (whether a computer, smartphone, or tablet) when you access a website. It allows the website owner to store or retrieve specific information about various factors, such as the number of times the page has been visited by the user, identifying the registered user, ensuring the user’s session while browsing the site, enabling secure and stable transactions, etc.

At Tapigym, we want to provide you with the necessary information about the types of cookies used on our website so that you have full control over their use and the protection of your privacy.

It is important to note that blocking all cookies may disable certain services and functionalities of the website.

  1. Types of cookies

Below, we provide information about the types of cookies used on www.tapigym.es and their purposes:

2.1.Types of cookies according to the entity that manages them

According to the entity that manages the equipment or domain from which the cookies are sent and processes the data obtained, we can distinguish between:

First-party cookies: These are the cookies sent to the user’s device from www.tapigym.es.

Third-party cookies: These are the cookies sent to the user’s device from a different equipment or domain not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies. For example, www.google.com or www.youtube.com.

2.2.Types of cookies according to the duration they remain active on the device

Session cookies: These are a type of cookie designed to collect and store data while the user is accessing a website. As the name suggests, these cookies are stored on your device until the user’s browsing session ends.

Persistent cookies: These are cookies in which the data remains stored on the device and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the cookie’s owner, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

2.3.Types of cookies according to their purpose

Technical cookies: These cookies allow users to navigate through the website or platform and use the different options or services available, such as controlling data traffic and communication, identifying the session, accessing restricted areas, registering for or participating in an event, using security features during navigation, storing content for video or audio playback, or sharing content through social networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or LinkedIn.

Personalization cookies: These cookies enable users to access the service with predefined characteristics based on a series of criteria on the user’s device, such as language, type of browser used to access the service, regional settings from which the service is accessed, etc.

Third parties like Google and YouTube use this type of persistent personalization cookies. For more information:



Analytical cookies: These are cookies designed and used for tracking and analyzing user behavior. This type of cookie provides the website owner with measurements of activity on the site through aggregated or statistical information. On www.tapigym.es, analytical cookies, both first-party and persistent, are used for this purpose, specifically Google Analytics cookies, which have varying expiration periods depending on the information they provide to Tapigym.

Third parties like Google and YouTube use this type of persistent analytical cookies. For more information:


  1. Who uses cookies?

The information collected through cookies on a website can be used both by the website owner and by a third party that provides a service to the owner. In this regard, the information from cookies used on www.tapigym.es is handled by Tapigym and by third parties such as Google and YouTube, concerning the behavior of users of their services.

  1. Managing cookies

Taking into account the information provided in this Cookie Policy, we offer below information on how you can manage the cookies used on www.tapigym.es through the different options available in the most common browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome).

If you prevent the installation of all cookies from the website, some functionalities and content may be affected.

4.1.How to view cookies

All browsers provide users with the ability to search for and view the cookies installed by a specific website, obtain information about their duration, and delete them, as outlined in the following section. Below are a series of informational links regarding this matter for the most commonly used browsers:

.-Google Chrome:


.-Mozilla Firefox:


.-Internet Explorer:


4.2.How to deactivate or delete cookies

To deactivate, restrict, block, or delete cookies, the user must modify the settings of the browser they are using on their device, whether it is a computer, smartphone, or tablet. Generally, browsers offer the following configuration options regarding the installation of cookies:

.-Google Chrome:


.-Mozilla Firefox:


.-Internet Explorer:


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