Primer conjunto Campeón del Mundo 1967 URSS


El primer campeonato del mundo en la modalidad de conjuntos se celebró en 1967 en Copenhague (DIN), cuando la gimnasia rítmica se llamaba “Gimnasia Moderna”. El primer pódium lo ocuparon la URSS, Checoslovaquia y Bulgaria, en ese orden.

Como os contamos en nuestro artículo sobre la Hª de los conjuntos en nuestro blog, los conjuntos estaban compuestos inicialmente por seis gimnastas, que pasarán luego a ser cinco para atender a la petición del COI con el fin de poder participar en los Juegos Olímpicos.

Bulgarian Group

World Champions 1969


Spain has a remarkable history of success in this modality. Our first medal in group rhythmic gymnastics came in 1975 at the World Championships held in Madrid, where the team secured a third place in the All-Around. We had to wait until 1987 in Varna and 1989 in Sarajevo to achieve the same podium position again. However, it was at the 1991 World Championships in Athens that the Spanish team achieved their first major result, winning gold in the All-Around.

From then on, the World Championships were held annually, and from 1992 to 1998 (at the World Championships held in Seville), Spain consistently won silver. Since then, Spain did not return to the podium at a World Championship until 2015 in Stuttgart, where we secured bronze.

The country with the most World Championship titles is the USSR/Russia, followed by Bulgaria and Italy.

Conjunto Español

Cto Mundo 1994

*Foto Miguelez Sport

Spain has a remarkable history of success in this discipline. Our first medal in group rhythmic gymnastics came in 1975 at the World Championships held in Madrid, where the team secured third place in the All-Around. We had to wait until the 1987 World Championships in Varna and the 1989 World Championships in Sarajevo to achieve the same podium position again. However, it was at the 1991 World Championships in Athens that the Spanish team achieved their first major result, winning gold in the All-Around.

Since then, the World Championships have been held annually, and from 1992 to 1998 (at the World Championships held in Seville), Spain consistently won silver. After that, Spain did not return to the podium at a World Championship until 2015 in Stuttgart, where we secured bronze.

The country with the most World Championship titles is the USSR/Russia, followed by Bulgaria and Italy.

Below, we have included some archival photos, some of which are difficult to find and have been recovered from a magazine published by the Russian Federation in 2010 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships.


To conclude, here are some promotional posters.

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